NationRegionAttractionView on map
USA New York Central Park Get off at the 81 St-Museum of Natural History subway station.
USA New York American Museum of Natural History Get off at the 81 St-Museum of Natural History subway station.
Finland Tampere Amurin Museum Get off at Amuri bus stop in downtown Tampere.
Norway Ålesund Alnes Lighthouse You need to take a bus to Alnes bus stop on Godøy island.
Norway Ålesund Ålesund Church 10 minutes walk from Ålesund bus terminal
Norway Ålesund Sunnmøre Museum From Ålesund bus terminal, take the bus to Sunnmøre museum bus stop and then walk.
Norway Hønefoss Villa Fridheim Take the bus from Noresund bus stop and get off at Leir bus stop, then walk for about 40 minutes.
Norway Lillehammer Sigrid Undset's home Bjerkebæk 20 minutes walk from Lillehammer train station
Korea Haenam Gosan Yunseondo Historic Site You can go by car from Haenam-eup, Haenam-gun
Denmark Copenhagen Guinness World Records Museum 5-minute walk from Kongens Nytorv metro station
Korea Chungju Chungjuho Cruise From downtown Chungju, you can go to Chungju Naru, Cheongpung Naru, or Danyang Naru and take a cruise.
Korea Chungju Hwalok Cave You can get to Hwalok Cave by car from downtown Chungju.
Norway Mo i Rana Science Center Nordland 5 minutes walk from Mo i rana train station
Norway Trondheim Sverresborg Trøndelag Folk Museum From downtown Trondheim, take bus number 11 and get off at Trøndelag Folkemuseum bus stop.
Norway Sortland Sortland Museum Just walk from Sortland Bus Terminal

Croatia Czech Denmark
Finland Greece Iceland
Ireland Japan Korea
Liechtenstein Netherlands New Zealand
Norway Peru Spain
Sweden Swiss USA

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