NationRegionAttractionView on map
Japan Akita Kubota Castle 15 minutes walk from Akita Train Station
Japan Tokyo Tokyo Tower 10 minutes from Akabanebashi Station
Norway Bergen Fantoft Stavkirke From Bergen city center, take the light rail to Fantoft station and walk for 20 minutes.
Norway Bergen Ulriken Cable Car Take the Ulligen Bus near the Bergen Fish Market to the Ulligen Cable Car Station or take the city bus
Norway Rjukan Rjukan Krosso Cable Car By car from Ryukan city to the Ryukan cable car station
Norway Bergen Voss Cable Car You can take the Voss cable car in about 10 minutes on foot from Boss train station.
Norway Tromsø Tromsø Cable Car Take the bus from Tromsø city center to Tromsø cable car station
Norway Tromsø Polar Animal Park It takes about 2 hours by car from Tromsø to the Arctic Zoo.
Norway Bergen Oster Fjord Tour You can take a cruise from the Bergen boat dock near the Bergen fish market.
Norway Bodø Kjerringøy You can get from Bodo to Kjerringøy by bus or car.
Norway Bodø Helligvær Take a boat from Bodø to Helligvær
Norway Bodø Bodø Domkirke It is located near Bodo City Hall and a 15-minute walk from Bodo Train Station.
Norway Odda Trolltunga Drive from Odda to Skjeggedal and then hike to Trolltunga
Norway Bodø Kjerringøy Trading Post From Bodø to Seringo by bus or private car
Norway Bodø Norwegian Aviation Museum Take the bus from downtown and get off at City Nord bus stop, then walk for 10 minutes

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