NationRegionAttractionView on map
Ireland Galway Galway Cathedral
Spain Girona Catedral de Girona
Spain Girona Pont de les Peixateries Velles
Croatia Zadar Five Wells Square 40 minutes walk from Zadar Bus Terminal
Croatia Zagreb Sveti Donat
Denmark Vejle Vejle Art Museum
Denmark Billund Winter World Lalandia
Peru Cusco Vinicunca Tour
Greece Thessaloniki Rotunda
Greece Thessaloniki Arc de Triomphe of Galerius
Greece Thessaloniki Aristotelous Square
Greece Sparta Mystras Acropolis
Sweden Stockholm The Royal Palace
Sweden Stockholm Nobel Prize Museum
Peru Cusco Twelve Angled Stone

Croatia Czech Denmark
Finland Greece Iceland
Ireland Japan Korea
Liechtenstein Netherlands New Zealand
Norway Peru Spain
Sweden Swiss USA

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