Nation | Norway |
Region | Vardø |
Name | Vardøhus fortress |
How to get there | 20 minutes walk from Vardø City Hall |
Introduction |
Vardøhus Fortress (Vardøhus festning) was built in 1300 to defend the Vardø region from Russia. Vardøhus Fortress is the northernmost star-shaped fortress in the world. How to get to Vardøhus Fortress from Kirkenes By bus 10:09 AMFI Kirkenes (Sør-Varanger) 10:33 Kirkenes lufthavn Høybuktmoen (Sør-Varanger) By plane 11:50 Kirkenes 12:13 Vardø After sightseeing at Vardøhus Fortress By bus 16:06 Vardø rådhus (Vardø) 19:55 AMFI Kirkenes (Sør-Varanger) |
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