Nation Norway
Region Halden
Name Halden Canal Boat Tour
How to get there Take the bus from Halden to Tistedalen and then walk 10 minutes to Tangen brygge
Introduction The Halden Canal Cruise is a cruise on the Halden Canal.

The Halden Canal Cruise runs from June 20 to August 16, and is only available on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.

On Wednesdays, the cruise departs from Tistedal, passes through the Brekke Locks, goes to Krappeto, and then returns to Tistedal, taking about 2 hours.

On Thursdays and Sundays, the cruise departs from Tistedal, passes through the Strømsfoss Locks, goes to Strømsfoss, and then returns to Tistedal, taking about 2 hours.

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