Gwangju city introduction
Nation Korea
Region Gwangju
City Gwangju
Location 대한민국 남서부지역에 위치해 있음
Area 약 501.24 km2
Polpulation 약 1백4십만명
Language 한국어
Religion 기독교, 불교, 천주교
Currency 대한민국 원화
City introduction 광주는 대한민국 광역시 입니다.

광주는 전라도에 있는 광역시로써 전라도를 대표하는 도시이다.

광주는 빛 고을이라고도 한다.
Attractions Gwangju is a metropolitan city in South Korea.

Gwangju is a metropolitan city in Jeolla-do and is the representative city of Jeolla-do.

Gwangju is also called Light Village.
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RegionNameMap view
Gwangju Gwangju National Science Museum 광주 시내에서 버스를 타고 앰코코리아 버스 정류장에 내려서 오면 된다.
Gwangju May 18th Democratization Movement Archives 광주지하철 1호선 금남로4가 역에서 내려서 걸어오면 됩니다.
Gwangju The May 18 Memorial Foundation 광주광역시 서구 내방로 152 5·18기념문화센터
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Gwangju Bobaebanjeom Un-Am-jeom Jja-jang-myeon
Gwangju Ssangam Park Korean Buffet Korean buffet
Gwangju Phantom Pan Pig Gwangju Chungjang-ro Unlimited refills
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Gwangju Hotel Yaja Gwangju Sangmu Branch
Gwangju Gwangju Hotel the spot
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Gwangju Bus Gwangju Songjeong Station Mudeung Baseball Stadium
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Gwangju Gwangju Daein Market market
Gwangju E-Mart Gwangju Shoppingmall
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