[Sweden] I looked into whether a WiFi lunch box was absolutely necessary for my trip to Denmark and Sweden. |
To use public transportation in Denmark and Sweden, you need internet access.
Since the trip to Denmark and Sweden is 7 nights and 9 days, if you use a Wi-Fi lunch box,
The Wi-Fi lunch box is based on the date of receipt, so if you calculate the return date, it will be 10 days.
If you check the Wi-Fi lunch box for 10 days, it will cost about 60,000 won.
In Denmark, when going from Copenhagen Airport to Copenhagen, take the M2 subway and get off at Kongens Nytorv subway station in downtown Copenhagen.
From Copenhagen Airport to downtown Copenhagen, it is included in Zone 4.
When going from Copenhagen Airport to downtown Copenhagen, you need to use the DOT Billetter app public transportation app, so you need Wi-Fi.
If you do not want to use Wi-Fi, you can use the ticket machine.
However, if you use the Danish Copenhagen Card, you will need internet, but I do not need internet because I will take the train from Copenhagen to Vejle.
Buying tickets from Copenhagen to Vejle
I will also take a bus from Vejle to Billund, so I do not think I will need internet.
I will also take a train from Billund to Copenhagen, so I do not think I will need internet.
I will also take a train from Copenhagen to Gothenburg, so I do not think I will need internet.
I will also take a train from Gothenburg to Stockholm, so I do not think I will need internet.
The problem is that you need a public transportation app to use public transportation in Stockholm, so I think you will need wifi. https://sl.se/en/in-english/fares--tickets/visitor-tickets
However, there is a way to buy a Stockholm public transportation card, but since you are buying a physical card, there is a cost for the physical card.
I like collecting physical European public transportation cards, so I think I will buy a physical card as a souvenir.
A Wi-Fi lunch box is necessary for traveling Europe, but it is not absolutely necessary.
I went on a trip to Europe without a Wi-Fi lunch box, and while preparing for a trip to Denmark and Sweden, where the Internet is developed, I found out that the Internet is absolutely necessary, so I looked into it.
The conclusion is that if you want to travel comfortably, you need a Wi-Fi lunch box, but if you want to save on travel expenses, you do not need a Wi-Fi lunch box.
2024-08-07 |
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